16 July 2009

Separate...but equal?

It occurred to me today that Chris and I are writing separate blogs about our experiences as adoptive parents-to-be.

As we get further into this process, I've been doing more searching online for the blogs of other adoptive parents. I notice that many of these blogs are joint blogs contributed to by both spouses. It made me wonder about Chris and I having separate blogs...

Is this weird?


Then again...maybe not.

One of the things that I've always truly appreciated about Chris is the way that he encourages me to pursue my creative interests and endeavors independent of him. He's the one who bought me a drafting table so that I would have a place to make art. And when I'm there making my collages for hours at a time he never ever grumbles that I'm not spending time with him. Instead, he is genuinely happy that I am engaging in an activity that brings me joy.

Meanwhile, it also gives him a great excuse to camp out at his computer to do his own creative writing...checking in on me from time to time to view my creations.

"Whatcha makin?" he'll ask me with a grin. I'll show him my latest and greatest and will usually receive a "Cool!!" or "That's really interesting" in response.

Indeed, it was Chris who encouraged me to create and maintain a blog because he knows how I love to journal/write and thought it would be a good experience for me.

Likewise, Chris is a writer and I am most happy when I know that he's working on his novel or some other piece of creative writing.

So it seemed perfectly natural for him to create and maintain his own adoption experience blog (in addition to his OTHER blog...)

Hmmm...it would appear that I have answered my own question.

One slight drawback to two writers each having their own blogs is that we sometimes tend to get a little overly involved in our respective writing projects...both of us tap-tap-tapping away separately...and before we know it the evening has passed us by and its time to feed the Wretched Beasties (our demanding felines) and then head off to bed.

So, with that in mind I am signing off to spend a computer-free, blog-free evening with Chris who is on his way home from work.

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